Sunday, January 4, 2009

Well, It's Here!!

Well, it is here- time to go back to school and get back into the routine of life. I have enjoyed this break more than any I can remember. I kept Hayden home the whole 2 weeks and enjoyed making so many memories with him. (I have shared some below.) Austin is always fun because he is so laid back. He enjoys pajama day or going full swing with house cleaning, errands, playing with friends, etc. I am so blessed to have great boys. I have also learned alot about blogging and how this works and am so excited to be able to share with you our life. I have a new happiness for my digital camera. Isn't technology great !!! (well, sometimes) I hope you enjoy our pictures and will share more of the fun we had later on.

On New Year's Eve my mom and I took Hayden to Chuck E. Cheese. This was his first experience and I wish I had had a video camera instead of a digital camera. He was so funny to watch. He couldn't decide what to do first, when to eat, when to play- he was sooo excited. Then when he earned tickets to win a prize- oh my, you should have seen his reaction. He said that this place was the best. He wanted to take Austin back the next day, but fortunately, it was New Year's Day and they were closed. We had so much fun and it was well worth the time spent away from home.

These are the prizes that Hayden won with his 46 tickets. Yes, it was junk and I don't think he even knows where they are now but you should have seen his face when he took the tickets to the counter and the lady told him where to pick a prize from. It was a priceless face!!

Hayden and I enjoyed spending the day together. He had so much fun and was very pleasant to be with. He even let me do some shopping afterwards. Is he not the cutest little guy? I think so.

My mom and Hayden had so much fun!! Thanks, Nana, for taking us and going with us.

This ride was closest to our table and thankfully he enjoyed it so that we could sit down for a minute or so.

He was so excited when Chuck E. Cheese came out. When I told him to stand by him to get a picture this was as close as he would get. I guess that is better than nothing :).

During Christmas my sister enjoyed making memories with her nephews. This is her last Christmas as a "non-parent" and her new attention will now go to her baby. However, she will always love these boys.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Memories

Christmas has now come and gone - it's a little sad. We have eaten all the wonderful food, opened all the gifts, and seen all the out of town aunts and uncles. The boys have had a great time. Austin is beginning to understand this Santa idea and had many questions about Santa this year. Hayden was just so excited he couldn't contain himself. On Christmas Eve I was in the kitchen cooking for our breakfast the next morning and Hayden came running in the kitchen and said, "Mom, we forgot reindeer food!" Now, just about ten minutes before that I thought about it but sure did not want to wake him up and have him go outside to sprinkle it on the lawn. Luckily, he had not forgotten nor was he asleep so I got the bag of reindeer food and we went outside, at 11:30 p.m., and sprinkled reindeer food-- all in one spot (the grass was too wet to sprinkle it all over the lawn). I am sure that Santa saw the glitter and the reindeer ate all the food. They both had sooo much fun and was so excited about their gifts. My parents gave them a basketball goal for them to be able to play outside together- THANKS, Papa and Nana!!- they were so excited. They have received so many gifts - I have even left some gifts in their packages for them to open when the "I don't have anything to do" statement comes along. We are enjoying our well deserved break and are excited about the new year. Can't wait until Friday- the Cotton Bowl- GO REBELS!!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's Christmas Time!!

Well, it is finally here. CHRISTMAS!! The time of year that all kids- big and small- can't wait for. Christmas is such an exciting time of the year for so many reasons. First, it is a time when family and friends make time to get together and spend time with each other and most of the time we don't even watch the clock for when it is time to go. Today, Christmas Eve, my friend, Kristie, had a group of us "girls" and our children over to her house. The kids played and decorated Christmas cookies. The girls talked about not having to work, all the trips to Wal-Mart that we had taken saying, "This is the last one", and the presents that we can't wait for our children to see. Thank you, Kristie, for a wonderful afternoon. You did a great job organizing everything and allowing all of those children to run through your house and yard. You're the greatest friend :). Tonight we will go to Shay's grandparents for Christmas Eve dinner and open presents. Then tomorrow, Christmas Day, my family- parents, brother and sister-in-law, sister and brother-in-law- will come to our house so that the boys don't have to leave their new toys (and so that we don't have to drag them with us) to open presents and for brunch. I can't wait for all of us to be together. Every year I wonder if next year it will be the same. Each year we lose someone that is dear to us whether it be family or friends. In August one of my dear friends, Nikki, lost a battle with cancer and went to be with Jesus. I am jealous that this year she is spending Christmas with Jesus. On the other hand, I am thankful that I am with my family. Her precious children will be spending Christmas without a mom but with a great support of family and close friends. I've had friends lose grandparents, in-laws, and other friends. You just never know what the next year holds.
Second, it is a time of year when we will stop and remember why we celebrate Christmas. Our Savior was born on this day- in a stable. With animals and straw around her Mary was made as comfortable as possible to give birth to Jesus. After giving birth to two children my appreciation and love for her is over flowing. He wasn't born in the greatest surroundings nor did he die in a hospital bed surrounded by family and friends with a medicine drip making him comfortable. He died on a wooden cross with nails in his hands and sword that pierced his side. Every day I am amazed at how much he loves us and how gracious he is to forgive our every mistakes :). Christmas means so much more to me as an adult than it did as a child. Each year it means more and more for the most important reason- Jesus' birth.
May you have a Merry Christmas with lots of fun!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hayden's Report

We heard from the Allergy Deptartment at Hayden's ENT Clinic and he does not have any environmental allergies. Thank goodness for Claritin and Zyrtec. Until we meet with the doctor on December 2 we will continue to take these medicines to control his allergies. I hope that it is just seasonal allergies and we don't have to continue taking medicine all year long. Thanks so much for the prayers throughout his ordeal. It had been interesting!!


I AM SO THANKFUL that it is Thanksgiving!!! Thankfully, I don't have to go to work for nine (yes that's 9) days. I will be so glad that I am able to spend these days with these two precious children that God has blessed me with. I feel like that when I am working I have to be devoted to lesson plans, grading, contacting parents, administrative tasks, and on an on and on. I want to have fun this week and enjoy each moment. I sure hope that it goes by S L O W!!! I wish each one of you a Happy Thanksgiving and a restful week.
Today, on November 22, 2008 the OLE MISS REBELS beat, yes beat the LSU Tigers!! Go Rebels. Have a safe flight home tomorrow! My mom and dad had the privilege of visiting Baton Rouge this weekend with Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Marilyn- Dad and Mr. Dennis went to the game at Death Valley :)!! They seemed to have had a blast with the other 92, 998 people!! I talked to him right before half time and it was loud!!
I appreciate our photographer, Renee Reedy, for taking the picture of these two handsome boys. She took this last year on the day after Thanksgiving at the Riverwalk. Poor boys it was freezing cold. Thanks, Ms. Renee for capturing their beautiful smiles!

Friday, November 7, 2008

I Will Be An Aunt

Yes, I am learning how to do this!! We found out a couple of weeks ago that my sister, Sarah, will be having a baby sometime in June- can't wait to spoil something that I can send home.

Go Austin

Ausin and the 9-10 year old New Hope Trojans will play in the play-offs tomorrow. If they win, which I'm sure they will, they will play in the SUPER BOWL nest week. GO TROJANS!!!